Electronic Recycling - E-Waste
SDSU has an active campus recycling program with new elements being added as we work towards attaining zero waste and carbon neutrality goals. Material Management’s efforts towards these goals include collecting all surplus generated by SDSU. Surplus consists of computers and accessories, furniture, vehicles, all electronics, supplies, and lab equipment. We reuse or recycle these assets per the State of California regulations and guidelines. Additional information on state waste management efforts
Requests for surplus pick-ups can be submitted here.
Surplus is available for purchase on the Public Surplus online auction.
In addition, SDSU must divert at least 50 percent of solid waste from landfills. The campus is striving to meet or exceed this goal and you can help. Containers are located throughout campus for most consumer recyclables such as, beverage containers, cardboard and paper.
To review the SDSU sustainability goals, please visit The Office of Energy and Sustainability.
Material Management has processed the following quantities of E-waste in the last few years:
2020 – 26,316Lbs
2021 – 39,364Lbs
2022 – 59,280Lbs
Environmental Health & Safety collects aerosols, batteries, bulbs, light tubes and are hazardous waste including x-ray equipment.
What Can Be Recycled?
- Appliances
- Beverage Containers: aluminum, glass, plastic
- Cardboard and paper
- Construction debris
- Electronics
- Lab equipment
- Refrigerators and freezers (after oil and refrigerant is removed)
- Scrap Metal
- Printer cartridges
Why Recycle?
- Landfills are expensive and space is diminishing
- Toxic materials need to be separated so they don’t leach into our groundwater
- We all have a social responsibility to take care of our natural environment
What You Can Do To Help?
- Buy recycled products
- Continue filling the blue paper bins and beverage recycling containers around campus
- Flatten corrugated cardboard boxes so custodians can dispose of them in the cardboard dumpsters. (A look in any campus dumpster reveals that cardboard boxes take up most of the space!)
- Buy only what you need and use all you buy. Large quantities are only economical if you use all the material. Remainig goods often ends up as trash.
- Remember the 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Recycling of Toner Cartridges
Disposal and recycling of toner cartridges
Contact Information
Johnny Eaddy
Phone : 619-594-2408
Email: eaddy@sdsu.edu
John Zuzarte
Phone : 619-594-1222
Email: jzuzarte@sdsu.edu